Coleg Gwent Illustration Students

Our Foundation Degree in Illustration at Coleg Gwent, at the Crosskeys campus, has been fortunate to collaborate with the Living Levels project for the past two years. This year each of our first year students has created 12 illustrations depicting key species from the Gwent Levels. This project was completed during the lockdown and our students worked incredibly hard to create their collections under difficult circumstances. The outcomes are diverse and exciting, with some illustrations created using traditional techniques like pencil sketching, watercolours and spray painting and some students used digital techniques. I am incredibly proud of the work they have produced and hope the artwork will inspire people to get involved with the Levels projects.

Kelly Rosser
Course Leader Foundation Degree Illustration / Arweiniad Gradd Sylfaen Arweinydd Cwrs.

Follow the link for more information about the Coleg Gwent Foundation Degree Illustration.

