Documents Library
Living Levels Legacy Project
Landscape Conservation Action Plan
Background strategy documents, studies and reports produced as part of a two year Development Phase and the final Living Levels Programme:
Sustaining the Gwent Levels
Documents produced for the Sustaining the Gwent Levels Sustainable Management Scheme:
Level Advice: Advisory booklet (PDF 6.7MB)
Sustaining the Gwent Levels Sustainable Management Scheme: Summary report (PDF 2.5MB)
Wetland Landscape Restoration and Maintenance in the Gwent Levels – Costings (PDF 14MB)
Nest box project - Final report (PDF 740KB)
PES and the Gwent Levels (PDF 2.0MB)
A resilient future for the Gwent Levels: Interim report (PDF 700KB)
Monitoring Sustaining the Gwent Levels (PDF 8.5MB)
Monitoring Sustaining the Gwent Levels: Methodology (PDF 1.5MB)
Summary of farmer interviews (PDF 840KB)
Farm case studies (PDF 1.9MB)
Underdrainage and Farming: Current State –Future Management (PDF 1.1MB)
Investigating ditch biodiversity (PDF 5.4MB)
Ecohydrological studies (PDF 11.6MB)
(Links to external documents)